Calling all mystery and true-crime lovers! This was one of my fastest reads by far (less than a day) and my adrenaline fueled me the whole way. I never had a desire to read Colleen Hoover’s books – they never really seemed like my style. But this one was edgier than I was anticipating. The first few chapters are a slower start (and I’m still not entirely sure how they connected to the rest of the story), but you very quickly catch on to the fact that something eery is happening. I had so many theories on what was going on, but nothing prepared me for the ending. And honestly, I still don’t know how I feel about it or what I believe, because that’s how much of a cliffhanger it was. I don’t recommend reading this one before you fall asleep – there are some scenes from this book that will live in my head forever. But if you need an exciting, fast-paced book to refuel your love for mystery genres (or reading in general) then this one should have you hooked in no time!